Literature for advisers

Access all the literature to help you and your clients in one handy and easy to use place. Use the tabs below.

Individual Protection

Reasons why – individual protection

This guide provides examples for all scenarios where individuals are looking for cover and help with ‘reasons why’ letters.

Download Updated 29 Jan 24
Investment IHT - Sales Aid

This guide offers an overview of the simple and cost-effective solution to cover the 2-year inheritance tax (IHT) liability on Business Relief-qualifying investments.

Download Updated 27 Sep 22
Income Protection Sales Aid

Income protection is there to keep the money coming in every month. If you can’t work because you’re seriously ill or injured we’ll be there. Learn more.

DOWNLOAD Updated 29 Jan 24
Income Protection calculator

Use this handy tool to highlight the risk of your client being off work and how much we can look to cover.

Income Protection – Lauren's story

Learn how income protection helped transform one of our customer’s lives.

DOWNLOAD Updated 11 Jan 24
Income Protection – occupational sales aid for teachers

Understand how we go above and beyond to complement an employers sick pay.

DOWNLOAD Updated 29 Jan 24
Income Protection – occupational sales aid for dentists, doctors and surgeons

Have a read of this guide to get to grips with our YourLifePlan Income Protection features that are just for dentists, doctors and surgeons.

DOWNLOAD Updated 29 Jan 24
Critical Illness Choices – sales aid

Find out how our critical illness product offers quality and flexibility, giving better outcomes and value from day one.

download Updated 19 Sep 22
Critical Illness Choices – adviser guide

It's time to meet quality critical illness cover, designed to suit your clients' needs. Read more about how you'll be able to personalise protection for your client, their family and their budget.

AIG Case Study - Steve

Read Steve's story about how AIG was there to support him after suffering a shocking illness.

Download Updated 31 May 18
Key3 - Sales Aid

Find out how our Key3 product can help your clients, providing cover for three common illnesses.

Download Updated 12 Feb 21
Key3 - Reasons why

This provides useful examples for a ‘reasons why’ letter and scenarios where Key3 is suitable

Download Updated 18 Dec 23
Sales Aid - Family Income Benefit

This guide helps you recommend AIG’s Family Income Benefit to your clients.

Instant Life Insurance - Sales Aid

View our sales aid to find out more about Instant Life Insurance.

Instant Life vs YourLife Plan - comparison table

This guide is a comparison of our YourLife Plan – Term Assurance and Instant Life Insurance and highlights the product and underwriting differences.

Download Updated 12 Sep 21
Portfolio Protection calculator

This tool can be used to calculate the life cover required to protect the current shortfall in a client's investment portfolio against the impact of their death before retirement.

DOWNLOAD Updated 15 Nov 23
Enhanced gift trust - sales aid

Read on to learn how our wealth planning proposition is designed to help your clients enhance their returns on Gift Trust and Discount Gift Trusts investments. It can also help them prepare for the costs of later-life care.

Download Updated 18 Jul 21
Reasons why - Care Cover with Whole of Life

Download Updated 30 May 24
Care Cover with Whole of Life calculator

This tool can be used to calculate how much protection your client will need to make an adequate provision for the cost of their later life care.

DOWNLOAD Updated 15 Nov 23
Whole of Life - Sales Aid

This guide takes a look into the different ways AIG's Whole of Life insurance can be used.

DOWNLOAD Updated 12 Sep 24
Whole of Life calculator

This calculator can be used to compare the 'return' on a Whole of Life policy with a compounded investment at an assumed age of death of the client.

Business Protection

Business Protection Adviser Guide

This Business Protection guide helps to support and streamline your advice process.

Download Updated 09 Dec 21
Reasons why - Business Protection

A handy guide to provide an example of what a ‘reasons why’ letter could look like.

Download Updated 16 Nov 23
Business Protection - Quick reference guide

This document is a snapshot of our Business Protection offering. Get an overview of the types of cover on offer, how to determine a cover amount, features and benefits and those all-important tax considerations.

DOWNLOAD Updated 01 Mar 24
Premium equalisation calculator

Premium equalisation can help maintain the commerciality of an ownership succession arrangement using a business trust, by sharing the cost of premiums between the shareholders/partners/members.

Reasons why - Relevant Life Insurance

A handy guide to provide examples of what a ‘reasons why’ letter could look like and scenarios where relevant life insurance is suitable.

Download Updated 31 Jan 23
Relevant Life - Features table

Discover the key features and benefits of AIG Life's Relevant Life Insurance with this simple and easy to use table.

DOWNLOAD Updated 20 Feb 22
Relevant Life - Adviser guide

Get to grips with the basics of the cover, learn more about how to set it up and the tax efficiencies and find out why AIG.

DOWNLOAD Updated 21 Feb 22
Relevant Life calculator

You can use this tool to calculate the maximum amount of Relevant Life cover a customer can have with AIG. It compares the cost of Relevant Life to personal cover.

DOWNLOAD Updated 06 Apr 24

Group Protection sales material and guides

Registered Group Life - Member guide

This document is for employees to understand how Registered Life cover works.

Download Updated 09 Jun 24
Excepted Group Life - Member guide

This document is for employees to understand how Expected Life cover works.

Download Updated 09 Jun 24
Spouses’ and Partners’ life cover - Member guide

This document is for employees to understand how Spouse/Partner cover works.

Download Updated 02 Nov 21
Group critical illness - member guide

This document is to help employees understand how their group critical illness cover works.

Download Updated 04 Jul 21
Group Income Protection - Member guide

This document is for employees to understand how Group Income Protection cover works.

Download Updated 09 Jun 24
Winston's Wish guide

Read our guide to learn more about the support on offer from Winston’s Wish and how their experts help children and young people face the future with hope and lead full and flourishing lives.

Quote and on risk process

Our 'how to' guide outlines how to register for our online quote system, how to run a quote online and find out what happens once a policy has gone on-risk.

Single premium rates and year two costs

An overview of single premium rates where we charge the exact premium due for the cover provided which is normally guaranteed for two years.

Download Updated 01 Sep 21
Country codes

An outline of countries and their corresponding codes. For use when completing an online quote where members may live abroad.

Download Updated 31 Dec 20
Admin and accounting guide

Whatever the size of your client’s business, our administration process allows us to match the right service to the right client.

Download Updated 11 May 22
Bereavement and probate helpline

Confidential and practical support – provided by the experts at Smart Health. The telephone helpline provides information, guidance and counselling after the death of a friend or family member.

Download Updated 22 Oct 23
Mental health employer email templates

Mental health new starter guide: one page

Mental health new starter guide: two pages

Online system

Online servicing guide

This guide will show you ways you can use our online servicing to check the status of applications or make changes to your clients details.

Download Updated 02 Jun 21

Smart Health: adviser toolkit

Email templates x4

Download Updated 16 Sep 20
Smart Health leaflet

Download Updated 30 Nov 22
Client letter templates

Download Updated 16 Sep 20
Email banner

Download Updated 16 Sep 20

More than financial support

Remortgages and protection - sales aid

Our guide highlights why remortgages are a great opportunity to talk about protection. Find out more about how to check your client’s financial protection still suits their circumstances.

DOWNLOAD Updated 15 Jan 21
Business quality guide

Our guide illustrates a clear, objective focus for each stage of the sales process, from lead generation to retention, with the common aim of improving your customer journey, quality and profitability of your protection business.

Winston's Wish guide

Read our guide to learn more about the support on offer from Winston’s Wish and how their experts help children and young people face the future with hope and lead full and flourishing lives.

Suicide prevention training directory

This guide from Action for Suicide Prevention in Insurance (ASPiiN) helps you be prepared, have the confidence to deal with suicide prevention awareness and deal with the situation as professionally as possible.

READ MORE Updated 21 Aug 20
Talking about suicide on your website

There are many reasons why you might need to mention suicide on your website or in other materials. Action for Suicide Prevention in Insurance (ASPiiN) have prepared this guidance with support from the Samaritans with some key things you should bear in mind.

READ MORE Updated 21 Aug 20

Reasons why

Key3 - Reasons why

This provides useful examples for a ‘reasons why’ letter and scenarios where Key3 is suitable

Download Updated 18 Dec 23
Reasons why – individual protection

This guide provides examples for all scenarios where individuals are looking for cover and help with ‘reasons why’ letters.

Download Updated 29 Jan 24
Reasons why - Business Protection

A handy guide to provide an example of what a ‘reasons why’ letter could look like.

Download Updated 16 Nov 23
Reasons why - Relevant Life Insurance

A handy guide to provide examples of what a ‘reasons why’ letter could look like and scenarios where relevant life insurance is suitable.

Download Updated 31 Jan 23
Reasons why - Care Cover with Whole of Life

Download Updated 30 May 24


Immediate cover

While an application is being assessed, AIG can provide your client with temporary cover.

Download Updated 12 Sep 21


Probate factsheet

This fact sheet provides useful information on probate and how it works.

Download Updated 27 Jan 20