Adviser Tools & Calculators

Useful tools for Advisers

Income Protection calculator

Use this handy tool to highlight the risk of your client being off work and how much we can look to cover.

Whole of Life calculator

This calculator can be used to compare the 'return' on a Whole of Life policy with a compounded investment at an assumed age of death of the client.

Relevant Life calculator

You can use this tool to calculate the maximum amount of Relevant Life cover a customer can have with AIG. It compares the cost of Relevant Life to personal cover.

Premium equalisation calculator

Premium equalisation can help maintain the commerciality of an ownership succession arrangement using a business trust, by sharing the cost of premiums between the shareholders/partners/members.

Gift Inter Vivos calculator

Calculate the level term arrangement required to mirror the reducing IHT liability on a gift and compare the overall cost with AIG against a competitor.

Portfolio Protection calculator

This tool can be used to calculate the life cover required to protect the current shortfall in a client's investment portfolio against the impact of their death before retirement.

Care Cover with Whole of Life calculator

This tool can be used to calculate how much protection your client will need to make an adequate provision for the cost of their later life care.

Suicide prevention training directory

This guide from Action for Suicide Prevention in Insurance (ASPiiN) helps you be prepared, have the confidence to deal with suicide prevention awareness and deal with the situation as professionally as possible.

Talking about suicide on your website

There are many reasons why you might need to mention suicide on your website or in other materials. Action for Suicide Prevention in Insurance (ASPiiN) have prepared this guidance with support from the Samaritans with some key things you should bear in mind.

Smart Health: adviser toolkit

Email templates x4

Download Updated 16 Sep 20
Smart Health leaflet

Download Updated 30 Nov 22
Client letter templates

Download Updated 16 Sep 20
Email banner

Download Updated 16 Sep 20