Employee benefits from AIG: support for you and your family

Having protection insurance as an employee benefit gives you and your family support and peace of mind. AIG provides protection to over one million employees in the UK, through our life insurance, critical illness and income protection cover.

On this page, we explain the protection each of the three products can give you. If you’re not sure which cover you have, ask your employer. They’ll be able to tell you which type of insurance you're covered by and for how much. 

Group Life Insurance

Life insurance eases the financial pressures on your family at an extremely difficult time. Alongside financial support, we provide the services that families will value most, including a bereavement helpline, specialist bereavement support for children through charity Winston’s Wish and a probate helpline for you and your family.


Young east asian man with glasses, celebrating winning at table tennis.

Group Income Protection

If you’re recovering from an illness or injury, the last thing you need to distract you is money worries. That’s where income protection can make a huge difference, providing up to 80% of your salary while you're unable to work.

Once you’re able to return to work, our rehabilitation programme will be there to provide you with a tailored back-to-work plan including support, guidance and funded treatments if needed.

Group Critical Illness

Being diagnosed with a critical illness is one of the scariest situations anyone can face.

Our group critical illness cover gives you a tax-free sum of money if you fall seriously ill and are diagnosed with a condition covered by the policy. 

It looks after your children too - children are covered as standard (up to £25,000) and there’s the option for your employer to add cover for a partner. Really, it’s about relieving money worries as quickly as possible, to help you feel confident about your financial future. Leaving you to focus on what matters: your recovery.

Making a claim 

Claims are made by your employer, but our claims teams are happy to answer any questions. Just get in touch.

Literature and support materials

Registered Group Life - Member guide

This document is for employees to understand how Registered Life cover works.

Download Updated 09 Jun 24
Group critical illness - member guide

This document is to help employees understand how their group critical illness cover works.

Download Updated 04 Jul 21
Group Income Protection - Product summary

This document is for employees to understand how income protection cover works.

Download Updated 09 Jun 24