Aviva rebrand frequently asked questions

We've prepared a number of answers to questions you may have as part of the planned move from AIG Life to Aviva. Please select from the options below or use the quick links to jump straight to each category.

Individual Protection customers
Group Protection - I'm an employer
Group Protection - I'm an employee

You can also read the most important updates to our Privacy Policy.

Individual Protection Customers

A: You might have heard that AIG Life was bought by Aviva early last year. On 17th February 2025 AIG Life Limited will officially be rebranding to Aviva Protection UK Limited. Following the rebrand:

  • There are no changes to your insurance or terms and conditions
  • We'll be known as Aviva Protection UK Limited
  • Our website address will change to reflect our new name, and how the website looks will be updated to reflect that we are part of the Aviva group
  • All correspondence from 17th February will be in Aviva branding
  • Some of our contact details will change, see Q: How do I get in touch after 17th February 2025?

A: Your insurance won’t change as a result of our rebrand, it will continue to be provided as it is by us, under our new name. Your current terms and conditions will stay the same on 17th February 2025 and you won’t need new policy documents.

A: Yes, please consider the following:

  • If your insurance policy is held in Trust, you’ll need to let the Trustees know about the name change to Aviva Protection UK Limited
  • If someone else pays the premiums for your insurance, you’ll need to let the payer know about the direct debit change
  • If you are a Smart Health user on Android, you’ll need to download the new Aviva Smart Health app on or after the 17th February 2025.
  • If you use Apple you’ll just need to update your existing app – it'll be rebranded at the same time. You will still have access to all your historic information on the app.
  • If you wish to contact us, you will need to use the new contact details, see Q: How do I get in touch after 17th February 2025?

A: Yes – if your current direct debit name is AIG Life Ltd, the name will automatically update to Aviva – the good news is there’s no action needed from you, unless someone else pays the premiums for your insurance, in which case you’ll need to let them know about the direct debit change.

If you bought your insurance through one of our partners, please take a look at the specific partner responses below.

A: The company name will change to Aviva Protection UK Limited and the registered address will change to Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR.
Our postal address isn’t changing, you can still write to us at PO Box 12010 Harlow CM20 9LG, you’ll just need to address your letters to Aviva Protection. But don’t worry – if you forget, your letters will still get to us. 

A: Where you currently receive correspondence from AIG Life, yes. Any correspondence you receive from 17th February 2025 will be in Aviva branding.

A: All policies taken out from 17th February 2025 will be branded Aviva Protection UK Limited.

A: The legal entity that holds all the insurance policies isn’t changing. The name of the legal entity is just changing from AIG Life Limited to Aviva Protection UK Limited.

A: They are two separate companies.
Aviva Protection UK Limited will be the new name of the legal entity that holds all of the existing AIG Life policies.
Aviva Life & Pensions UK Limited is the name of the legal entity that holds all of the existing Aviva policies.

A: Post: Our postal address isn’t changing, you can still write to us at PO Box 12010 Harlow CM20 9LG, you’ll just need to address your letters to Aviva Protection. But don’t worry – if you forget, your letters will still get to us.

Phone: our phone numbers aren’t changing, so you can reach us on the usual numbers.

Email: email addresses are changing on 17th February – from @aiglife.co.uk to @protection.aviva.com emails. The old AIG Life emails will still work until 9th April 2025, but use the new Aviva Protection ones from 17th February 2025. After 9th April 2025, any emails sent to AIG Life won't get to us.

Website: our webpages are also changing from aiglife.co.uk to protection.aviva.com on 17th February 2025. Again, the old ones will work until 9th April 2025 but use the Aviva Protection versions from 17th February 2025. Please update any bookmarks you’ve got saved too. After 9th April 2025 you’ll no longer be able to access any AIG Life webpages.

A: Access to Smart is unchanged after the rebrand.
If you have access to Smart Health, than you and your family* will continue to be able to use Smart Health. It’ll just be rebranded as Aviva Smart Health from 17th February 2025, complete with a new website: smarthealth.aviva.com. 

If you’re an Android user, you’ll need to download the new Aviva Smart Health app on or after the 17th February 2025. If you use Apple, you’ll just need to update your existing app. All your log in details (whether you prefer the app or website) stay the same.

*The Smart Health app and services are non-contractual benefits and can be changed or withdrawn at any time. Smart Health is available to you, your partner and any children up to the age of 21.

A: The main company responsible for your Personal Information will continue to be AIG Life Limited (soon to be Aviva Protection UK Limited), which is a controller of your Personal Information.

As AIG Life Limited is now part of the Aviva group of companies, we have made some changes to our Privacy Policy.

A: Please don't worry. It's business as usual and we are still serving customers in the same way and processing claims, and will continue to do so as Aviva Protection UK Limited. When we pay out valid claims, the name appearing on your bank statement will change to Aviva.

A: You can get in touch the normal way, there's no change to the process. Before 17th February 2025 you can contact us on 0345 600 6815, or email us at claimsteam@aiglife.co.uk.

From 17th February 2025 you should use the same phone number (0345 600 6815) or email us at claimsteam@protection.aviva.com.

A: There will be no change for existing customers and you can still make a claim. Your terms and conditions will be unchanged.
Our customer services team telephone numbers and postal address will continue to be the same. You can still write to us, you’ll just need to address your letters to Aviva Protection.
All @aiglife.co.uk emails will be replaced with new @protection.aviva.com emails. After 9th April 2025, any emails sent to AIG Life won't get to us.

A: There are no changes to your insurance - you're still covered.

A: There’s no change to the way customers will be supported by AIG Life as a result of the rebrand. All the support customers currently receive through their AIG Life products and value added services will remain in place from 17th February 2025. So whether you're making the most of Smart Health or being supported through a claim with the help of our claims support fund and anything in between – you'll continue to get the support you need. Vulnerable customers will also continue to be supported like normal.

The Smart Health app and services are non-contractual benefits and can be changed or withdrawn at any time. 

A: There is a window of time between when we started the process of contacting customers and the customers receiving correspondence, during which time your policy might have been cancelled. For some customers they may be able to reinstate their cover if they wanted to and we wanted to ensure they were aware of the change.
We apologise for any inconvenience.

A: You can get in touch the normal way, there's no change to the process. Before 17th February 2025 you can contact us on 0345 600 6815, or email us at claimsteam@aiglife.co.uk.

On or after 17th February you should use the same phone number (0345 600 6815) or email us at claimsteam@protection.aviva.com.

A: AIG Life has been part of the Aviva Group since its acquisition in April 2024. The company name is changing on 17th February 2025. We are sorry to hear that you are unhappy with Aviva, please get in touch on 0345 600 6820 so that we can address your concerns.

A: Please don't worry. It's business as usual and we are still serving customers in the same way and processing complaints, and will continue to do so as Aviva Protection UK Limited. When we contact you regarding your complaint after 17th February 2025, the communication will come from Aviva Protection.

A: You may receive multiple letters or emails where you have multiple policies with AIG Life. We have attempted to reduce the instances where a customer is contacted more than once regarding the rebrand. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Group Protection Customers - I'm an employer

A: You might have heard that AIG Life were bought by Aviva early last year. On 17th February 2025 AIG Life will be officially rebranding to Aviva Protection UK Limited.

A: Your group protection policy (or policies) with us won’t change. Your current terms and conditions will stay the same.

A: Yes, you’ll remain on your current AIG Life product, or products, after 17th February 2025 at your next rate review – they’ll just be Aviva branded.

A: Yes. please consider the following:

If you use the AIG Life name or AIG Life branding or make references to the brand on your website or other material, you must remove this before 17th February 2025. If you haven’t already, you can access the Aviva brand hub to get an Aviva brand license to use their logo instead from the 17th February 2025.

If you pay for your insurance through BACS transfer, from the 17th February 2025 you’ll need to update the payment name to Aviva Protection UK Limited. Payments will still be processed if the name isn’t updated but your online banking might flag a mismatch in details. 

A: Yes – the name will automatically update to Aviva – the good news is there’s no action needed from you.

A: The company name will change to Aviva Protection UK Limited and the registered address will change to Wellington Row, York, YO90 1WR.

The postal address isn’t changing, you can still write to us at PO Box 12010 Harlow CM20 9LG, you’ll just need to address your letters to Aviva Protection. But don’t worry – if you forget, your letters will still get to us. 

A: Yes. Any correspondence you receive on or after 17th February 2025 will be in Aviva branding.

A: Not much. They’ll keep the cover you’ve put in place for them – they don’t need to do anything.

A: It's business as usual and we are still serving customers in the same way and processing claims, and will continue to do so as Aviva Protection UK Limited. If any of your people are currently being paid an ongoing claim by AIG Life, the name on their bank statement will change to Aviva.

A: It's business as usual and we are still serving customers in the same way and processing claims, and will continue to do so as Aviva Protection UK Limited. If you are currently being paid an ongoing claim by AIG Life, the name on your bank statement will change to Aviva.

A: Access to Smart Health is unchanged after the rebrand.

All AIG Life group protection scheme members will continue to have access to Smart Health. It’ll just be rebranded as Aviva Smart Health* from 17th February 2025, complete with a new website: smarthealth.aviva.com. 

If your employees are Android users, they'll need to download the new Aviva Smart Health app on or after the 17th February 2025. If they're Apple users, they'll just need to update their existing app. All their log in details (whether they prefer the app or website) stay the same.

*The Smart Health app and services are non-contractual benefits and can be changed or withdrawn at any time. Smart Health is available to you, your partner and any children up to the age of 21. 

A: There’s no change. Whether your people are using Smart Health or are getting support through a claim from RedArc or Proclaim Care – they can continue to get the support they need.

The Smart Health app and services are non-contractual benefits and can be changed or withdrawn at any time.

The RedArc service is a non-contractual benefit and can be changed or withdrawn at any time.

A: Post: Our postal address isn’t changing, you can still write to us at PO Box 12010 Harlow CM20 9LG, you’ll just need to address your letters to Aviva Protection. But don’t worry – if you forget, your letters will still get to us.

Phone: our phone numbers aren’t changing, so you can reach us on the usual numbers.

Email: email addresses are changing on 17th February – from @aiglife.co.uk to @protection.aviva.com emails. The old AIG Life emails will still work until 9th April, but use the new Aviva Protection ones from 17th February. After 9th April 2025, any emails sent to AIG Life won't get to us.

Website: our webpages are also changing from aiglife.co.uk to protection.aviva.com on 17th February. Again, the old ones will work until 9th April 2025 but use the Aviva Protection versions from 17th February. Please update any bookmarks you’ve got saved too. After 9th April 2025 you’ll no longer be able to access any AIG Life webpages.

A: You can access your documentation in the normal way, but there is a new URL to use. Documents issued prior to 17th February 2025 will have the AIG branding and anything issued on or after 17th February 2025 will have the Aviva branding.
The new URL is edocs.group.protection.aviva.com/Grs.Security.UI/Login.aspx

A: The main company responsible for your Personal Information will continue to be AIG Life Limited (soon to be Aviva Protection UK Limited), which is a controller of your Personal Information.

As AIG Life Limited is now part of the Aviva group of companies, we have made some changes to our Privacy Policy.

Group Protection Customers - I'm an employee

A: You might have heard that AIG Life was bought by Aviva early last year. On 17th February 2025 AIG Life Limited will officially be rebranding to Aviva Protection UK Limited. Following the rebrand:

  • There are no changes to your insurance or terms and conditions
  • We'll be called Aviva Protection UK Limited
  • Our website address will change to reflect our new name, and how the website looks will be updated to reflect that we are part of the Aviva group
  • All correspondence from 17th February 2025 will be Aviva branded
  • Some of our contact details will change, see Q: How do I get in touch after 17th February 2025?

A: Your insurance won’t change as a result of our rebrand, it will continue to be provided as it is by us, under our new name.

A: Your insurance won’t change as a result of our rebrand, it will continue to be provided as it is by us, under our new name.

A: You should get in touch with us via the existing claims process, there's no change.
Before the 17th February 2025 you can contact us on 0330 303 9973, or email us at groupclaims@aiglife.co.uk.

From 17th February 2025 you can get in touch on the same phone number (0330 303 9973) or email us at groupclaims@protection.aviva.com. After 9th April 2025 AIG Life won’t receive any emails that are sent to their old mailboxes.

A: Post: Our postal address isn’t changing, you can still write to us at PO Box 12010 Harlow CM20 9LG, you’ll just need to address your letters to Aviva Protection. But don’t worry – if you forget, your letters will still get to us.

Phone: our phone numbers aren’t changing, so you can reach us on the usual numbers.

Email: email addresses are changing on 17th February 2025 – from @aiglife.co.uk to @protection.aviva.com emails. The old AIG Life emails will still work until 9th April 2025, but use the new Aviva Protection ones from 17th February 2025. After 9th April 2025, any emails sent to AIG Life won't get to us.

Website: our webpages are also changing from aiglife.co.uk to protection.aviva.com on 17th February 2025. Again, the old ones will work until 9th April 2025 but use the Aviva Protection versions from 17th February. Please update any bookmarks you’ve got saved too. After 9th April 2025 you’ll no longer be able to access any AIG Life webpages.

A: Access to Smart is unchanged after the rebrand.

If you have access to Smart Health, than you and your family* will continue to be able to use Smart Health. It’ll just be rebranded as Aviva Smart Health from 17th February 2025, complete with a new website: smarthealth.aviva.com. 

If you use Android, you'll need to download the new Aviva Smart Health app on or after the 17th February 2025. If you use Apple, you'll just need to update your existing app. All your log in details (whether you prefer the app or website) stay the same.

*The Smart Health app and services are non-contractual benefits and can be changed or withdrawn at any time. Smart Health is available to you, your partner and any children up to the age of 21.

A: If we contact you before 17th February 2025, the emails will come from an AIG Life email address. If we contact you on or after 17th February 2025 the emails will come from a protection.aviva.com email address.

A: The main company responsible for your Personal Information will continue to be AIG Life Limited (soon to be Aviva Protection UK Limited), which is a controller of your Personal Information.

As AIG Life Limited is now part of the Aviva group of companies, we have made some changes to our Privacy Policy.

A: Please don't worry. It's business as usual and we are still serving customers in the same way and processing complaints, and will continue to do so as Aviva Protection UK Limited. When we contact you regarding your complaint from 17th February 2025, the communication will come from Aviva Protection.