Critical illness insurance

Focus on getting better, not getting by.

What is critical illness cover?

Critical illness insurance pays you a lump sum if anything goes seriously wrong with your health. It can help to reduce the stress on you and your family, as well as help you improve your quality of life. Use it to go on a dream holiday, pay off the mortgage, modify your home…whatever you want. It’s your money.

We believe that insurance should be as clear, as accessible, and as easy as possible from the word go. Because for us, it’s always about helping you remove your worries, not add to them.



So what’s your excuse?

Critical illness isn’t the most upbeat thing to think about, we get that. It’s easy to put it off and to forget it altogether. Having a good reason won’t hurt, so help yourself.

Insurance is a funny business. You pay for it. And then you hope you never get to use it. But cars do get dented, precious items do get damaged and people do get diagnosed with cancer. So no, you’ll probably never need it. But if you do, it’ll be the best money you’ve ever spent. And it might not cost as much as you think…

Most of us don’t really want to give much thought to the worst case scenario. Let’s be honest, there are much more fun things to think about. But those things that never happen to you? Well, the truth is every two minutes, someone in the UK gets diagnosed with cancer1. And every five minutes, someone is admitted to hospital with a heart attack2.

1 Cancer Research, 2023

2 British Heart Foundation, 2024

We hope not, because that would mean you were dead or terminally ill. Critical illness insurance pays out if you have a serious illness or injury that’s covered under the terms and conditions of your policy.

That’s great to hear. But savings only go so far when they’re being nibbled away by everyday expenses, especially over a long period of time. Besides, aren’t savings supposed to be for the more fun things in life like a cruise, a car, or even a holiday cottage?

Do you know the main reason insurance companies don’t pay out? Because when applying for the policy, the claimants didn’t fully and honestly answer the questions being asked around their health and lifestyle, or the illness isn’t covered under the policy terms and conditions. And we bet you didn’t know AIG Life paid out on 95% of critical illness claims1.

1 AIG claims statistics, 2023

Have you double checked that your partner’s insurance covers you as well? If not, have a quick check of the policy and see if you are covered too - it might be that only your partner can claim on their policy so it’s best to make sure and get your own cover if needed.

Man placing hands on shoulders of woman sitting on sofa
Critical illness insurance: the lowdown

Critical illness insurance (AKA critical illness cover) is financial cover that’s ready and waiting if something should negatively impact your health.

Cat sat on bed looking at woman sitting under covers
We cover the impact, not the name

We don’t rustle up a list of conditions as long as a hospital corridor. Our critical illness insurance is also about the impact a condition has on your life - not what the condition is called.

Two parents and child looking at laptop
Buy critical illness insurance

If you’re looking to provide financial security for your family, your business, or your employees, our insurance products are designed to make the whole process as clear and straightforward as possible.