Life Insurance + Cancer, Heart Attack & Stroke
Most of us know someone who has suffered with cancer, or had a heart attack or stroke. They're life-changing illnesses, and we want to be there for you and your family if the unexpected happens to you.
Peace of mind against our biggest fears
We’ll pay out a sum of money if, while you’re insured, you suffer from cancer, a heart attack or stroke, or if you die or you’re diagnosed as terminally ill. Our insurance will pay out once.
You choose how much insurance you need, and how long you'd like it to last for. You can also choose to insure just yourself or both you and your partner. It can help you and your family face your illness without the added pressure of financial worries, so you can concentrate on getting better.
You could use the money to help pay off your mortgage, or help to pay for unforeseen costs due to your illness such as rehabilitation treatments or alterations to your home. Whatever you need.
You can apply for this insurance if you live in the UK. There is no cash in value with this insurance. If you stop making payments to us, your insurance will end.